Gardening Lessons and Gardening Courses

Would you like to know how to properly garden in your own garden?

Plews offers Gardening Lessons and Gardening Courses where your own garden is your classroom to do just that. We can devise a totally bespoke Gardening Course for you or base it around one of these popular gardening topics below.
Plews Gardening Lessons are a mix of practical, hands on demonstration and guided practice. And as much of the theory behind the ‘why’ of gardening as you need or would like to know. You’ll be taught by Marie Shallcross, who is a: –


  • qualified gardening teacher and garden designer
  • member of the Chartered Institute of Horticulture and the Professional Garden Consultants Association
  • and a hands-on gardener herself
Over the years, Marie has gardened window boxes, five acres and most sizes in between, in different areas of Britain. She uses her practical experience and qualifications to find the easiest way for you to enjoy gardening in your garden.

Plews’ Gardening courses and Gardening Lessons are flexible to suit your level of gardening knowledge and the idiosyncrasies of your own garden.

Plews Gardening Lessons – because let’s face it; most people would like to know how to garden in their own garden first.


Click through topics below to have a look,

read the blog for an example lesson,

click here for more infomation on Plews Gardening Lessons and Courses to download

and then Email us to ask about your needs!

We offer Gardening Gift Vouchers which are an ideal way to arrange gardening lessons for friends and family.


Plews Garden Design is an award winning family run business offering Garden Design, Gardening Lessons and Garden Consultancy to clients in London, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Essex and the Home Counties and across the UK. 
Plews Garden Design’s founder and senior partner, Marie has written and published eBooks and articles, and writes a weekly award-winning blog – Plews Potting Shed – on a range of gardening topics.